Legal terms
You can find the legal notices of the MailStone solution by following the following link: MailStone T&Cs​
Publishing information about the MailStone TimeStamp service​
Find all the elements relating to the qualified MailStone TimeStamp service.​
MailStone Timestamp Policy​
File Hash : 5140bbca23fbc86628a4a8e9b1ef8bc150800808ec442a6a38b5ea95331a4897
Starting date of validity : 04/10/2022
MailStone TimeStamp General Conditions of Use​
File Hash : 43677284a4e317c9644f86becb59dc018b4f26c242f61176fc31be8f1dc9135b
Starting date of validity : 04/10/2022
MailStone TimeStamp Timestamp Certificate​
File Hash : 794e0827c40cefcad96db27e882ccd6af900caf2c4806d198afa109a9a4c1eae
Starting date of validity : 24/06/2022
Archiving of published documents:
Release 1.1:
Politique d'horodatage MailStone 1.1
Hash : 1befd64207895ab4c1a1e708c506b1ab53b869f28a64fb68fd8c33c650a3d8eb
Validity start date : 26/08/2022
Conditions Générales d'Utilisation MailStone TimeStamp 1.1
File Hash : 8044b2552304126eabdcfd0416ef8cafca6aa71f7fd0ed43d52486726f61ffd2
Starting date of validity : 24/06/2022
Release 1.0:
Politique d'horodatage MailStone 1.0
Hash : e9725c23a2a184f3af12b79730bbc55435133c126aa323ca7a31b5a709c87e21
Validity start date : 24/06/2022
Pour toute demande d'information, merci d'envoyer vos demander à l'adresse
You can find our notices relating to the GDPR by following the following link.​